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• Redding in cotton is due to Mg deficiency.

• Spacing of soybean is 45×5cm or 45×10cm.

• Decomposed organic matter is called as Humus.

• The Process of degradation of humus to release inorganic nutrient is known as Mineralization.

• Botanically carrot fruit is called as Schizocarp.

• Complete destruction of microbes is called as Sterilization.

• B.T gene is derived from Bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis).

• Upper limit of available water is Field capacity. 

• Lower limit of available water is Permanent Wilting Point.

• Number of Crops grown in a year × 100 is termed as Cropping Intensity.

Kaolin is a Reflecting type of anti-transpirant.

• Queen of spices is Cardamom.

• King of Spices is Black pepper.

• Aonla contains Vitamin C.

• Western ghat of Maharashtra has Dangi breed of cattle.

• Shift in demand curve denotes either increase or decrease in demand.

• 1 cu.m (1m³) is equal to 1000 lit of water.

Harvesting of tea is done at 2 leaves and 1 bud stage.

• Harvesting of rice is done when grain contains >20% moisture.

• Farmers decide their irrigation schedule based on critical growth stages of crops.

• Bhakra dam is example of Cosmopolitan wealth.

• Pratishthan is a variety of Tamarind.

 In Photosynthesis, O2 is evolved from H₂O.

 Motivation is derived from goals and needs.

 Establishment date of NABARD is 12 July 1982.

 Stomatal opening is measured by Porometer.

 Trench method of composting was discovered by C.N Acharya.

 One man can develop 0.1 hp power.

 Plough was invented in 2900 BC.

 Nutrient responsible for pollination and reproduction is Boron.

 Na is a beneficial element. 

 Draught resistant crop is Bajra.

• Camel crop is Sorghum.

 Black spot mostly occurs in Rose.

 Value of geometric mean is Zero when the value of one of the components is Zero.

 Dolomite mineral is a source of Magnesium.

 Denitrification is more in waterlogged soil.

• Storage Polysaccharide in Animal is Glycogen.

 Storage Polysaccharide in Plant is Starch.

 Crop insurance Scheme 1973 was initiated from Maharashtra (for Cotton crop).

• Full form of NATP is National Agricultural Technology Project.

 Full Form of CFTRI is Central Food Technological Research Institute (Karnataka,1950)

 Maximum risk is present in specialized farming.

 Canon of taxation is given by Adam Smith.

 Nobel prize for discovery for DDT given to Paul muller.

 Insecticidal property of DDT is given by Paul muller.

 Father of Organic Farming is Sir Albert Howard. (Read Father's of Agriculture)

 Shallow rooted crop requires shallow type of plough.

 Growing of two or more crop with definite row pattern is called as Intercropping.

 Plant population in intercrop is less than their pure crop.

 Glucose, Fructose, Maltose, lactose are Reducing Sugars.

 Sucrose is Non reducing sugar.

• Tillage operation carried in standing crop is called as Intercultivation.

 The market where the commodity is direct distributed to consumer as per their need is called as Terminal market.

• Process that decides how to buy, where to buy, when to buy and how much to buy is called as Market management.

• Principle of result demonstration is seeing is believing.

• Bund formation in contour farming is called as Contour bund.

• Mustard is used as a trap crop for controlling Diamond back moth in cabbage.

• Relationship between environment and organism is called as Ecology.

Interview is carried out to check characters like physical, mental activities and speaking.

• Young one of sheep is called as Lamb.

• Average particle density of soil is 2.65g/cc.

Gypsum is used for the reclamation of Alkaline/sodic soil.

Hindgut of insect performs reproduction and respiration.

• Transfer of soil from one place to another is called as Soil erosion.

• Saving of water in sprinkler irrigation is 25-50%.

• Saving of water in drip irrigation is 50-75%.

Volunteer plants are crops from previous season seeds.

• When value of LER is one then it indicates yield advantages.

• When LER > 1: Intercropping is beneficial

• When LER is 1.15, this indicates 15% Yield Advantages.

• Pollination caused by wind is called as Anemophily.

Phalaris minor is controlled by Isoproturon.

Varlaxmi is interspecific variety of Cotton.

• Compression ratio of diesel engine is 14:1 to 20:1.

• As per AGMARK, weight of large egg is 53-59 gms.

• Partial root parasite of Jowar is Striga.

• Night blindness occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin A.

• Food energy transfer from one to other organism is called as Food Web.

• Element important for oil production is Sulphur.

• Urea is Organic/Amide fertilizer.

• Family of Sesamum is Pedaliaceae.

• Spacing of groundnut is 30×10cm

• Average depth of puddling is 5 cm.

Sucrose is used in carbonated drinks.

Seed is a matures ovule consisting of embryonic plant together with stores food, material.

• Aluminium phosphide is Fumigant.

Roughing practice is responsibility of seed grower.

• White strips on rice due to Yellow stem borer.

• Most Agronomic crops grown at temperature of 10-40 degree Celsius.

• Scurvey occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin C

• Panchayat raj system is 3 tier system and was given by Balwant Rai Mehta committee.

• Headquarter of AGMARK is in Nagpur.

Debate is suitable for discussion of controversial topics.

• In SWOT analysis, T stands for Threats.

• Sonalika, Kalyan Sona, HD-2189 are Varieties of Wheat.

• Scientific name of finger millet is Eleusine Coracana.

• Isolation distance for Foundation and certified seeds in Okra is 400:200.

• Crop used for scheduling irrigation is Sunflower.

Rainguage determine rainfall by measuring Amount of rainfall.

• Antagonistic plants to nematode are Marigold, Tomato.

• Breeder seed is progeny of Nucleus seed.

• Purity of Nucleus seed is 100%.

• Red color of tomato is due to Lycopene.

• JRC is series of varieties of Jute crop.

• Yellow color of milk is due to Carotene.

• When we add water in milk, Specific Gravity Decreases.

Bulk Density increases when compaction of soil occurs.

• The relative proportion of sand, silt, clay is called as Soil Texture.

• Botanical Name of Linseed is Linum usitatissimum.

• Botanical Name of Paragrass is Urochloa mutica.

• The water available between field capacity and permanent wilting point is called as Available water.

• Digestion of food in insect occurs in Midgut.

• The Stage at which the pest control measures are applied is Economic Threshold Level (ETL).

• Betele vine is Propagated by Node cutting.

• Deepali is a variety of Dolichus Bean.

• Plant which completes its life cycle in one season is Annual Plant.

Gir is a breed of Milch Purpose cow.

Dibbling (method of sowing) requires maximum time.

• Unit of inheritance is Gene.

• Central Institute for Women in Agriculture is located at Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

• NRC for Weed Research is in Jabalpur.

• Mitosis was discovered by Flemming.

• Concept of combining ability was given by Hull.

• Concept of Operon Model is given by Jacob and Monod.

• For doubling of chromosome Colchicines treatment is used.

• Jackfruit, Cocoa are examples of Viviparous fruits.

• Principle of computer is Input-Processing-Output (IPO)

Scroll bar is used to move window from one place to another.

• Hook Backed uredospore is found in Coffee rust.

• Pickle purpose variety of Mango is Karel.

• Ratna variety of mango is cross between Neelam & Alphanso.

• Removal of field heat of harvested produce is called as Pre-cooling.

• In grafting, the part which is used for grafting is Scion and Lower plant part used in grafting is Stock.

• Conversion of NH4 into NO3 is known as Nitrification.

• Hybrid cotton is invented by C.T Patel.

• B.T gene is invented by S. Ishiwata.

• National center for organic farming is located at Ghaziabad.

• Geographical area of India is 329 m.ha.

• Chemical used for processing in colourless foods is Potassium.

• Light intensity is measured in lux unit.

• Cropping intensity of India is 139% (in 2018).

• Brown spot of rice is caused by Helminthosporium oryzae.

• Black arm of cotton is caused due to Xanthomonas axonopodis.

• Sulphur is used for control of Powdery mildew.

• Mostly used crop for hedge is Duranta.

• Chemical used for processing in colored food is Sodium Benzoate Metabisulphite (KMS).

Mango Stone Weevil pupate in stone of mango.

Meloidogyne spp of Nematode form galls on roots.

• Gladiolus is propagated by Corms.

• Gum is extracted from Guar (30%).

• Widely used bacterium for biological control is Bacillus thuringiensis.

• 1st opening of flower is called as Anthesis.

• Delinting of cotton is done by H₂SO₄.

• Mulching paper is formed by using Poly Vinyl Chloride.

• Kufri Chipsona is a processing variety of Potato.

Pusa bold is a variety of Mustard.

• Oil Percentage in Niger is 35-40%.

Exhibition includes the display of posters and charts.

• Nitrogen percentage in vermicompost is 1.6%

• A Line joining places of equal wind speed is known as Isotech.

• Skeletonization of leaves in castor is due to Achaea janata (Castor Semi looper).

SSP contain 12% Sulphur, 16% phosphorus & Calcium 18%.

• Biofertilizer used in sugarcane is Acetobacter.

Crysoperla is a Predator used in Biocontrol.

• 1st agricultural university was established in Pantnagar (Uttarakhand 1960).

Laggards adopt New technology at the last.

• Best method of semen collection is Artificial vagina.

• Process of adjusting fat and SNF of milk is called Standardization.

• Powerhouse of cell is known as Mitochondria.

• Plants which require optimum level of moisture and temperature are known as Mesophytes.

Osmanabadi breed of Goat is native of Osmanabad (Maharashtra).

• Places of equal elevation is marked on map by Contour line.

• Carbon percentage in organic matter is 58%.

• C:N ratio of organic matter is 20:1.

• As price increases, demand decreases.

• pH of alkaline soil is greater than 7.

• Reclamation of alkaline/sodic soil is done by Gypsum.

• Rancidity is caused due to process of Oxidation.

Conclusion :
This is the 'MCAER PG CET 2018 Previous Year Questions with their Answers'

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