List of Father of Agriculture Disciplines (All) | RankAgri

Fathers of Agriculture

In these Post, We provide you a List of Father of Agriculture and Allied Sectors.

Below table with Name of Disciplines and Name of father related to it.

List of Fathers of Agriculture and Allied Disciplines

Father of Name
Father of Modern Agriculture/ Father of Green revolution Dr. Norman E. Borlaug
Father of Agriculture (Indian)/ Indian Green revolution /
Agriculture heritage
M.S. Swaminathan
Father of Agronomy Pietro Decrenscenzi
Organic farming Albert Howard
Indian Organic farming Subhash Palekar
Biodynamic farming Rudolf Steiner
Agrometeorology/ Agricultural Meterology D.N. Walia
Indian Agrometeorology L.A. Ramdas
Tillage and Weed Science Jethro tull
Zero tillage J.B. Triplet
Minimum tillage E.H. Faulkner
Precision farming Pierre Robert
Natural farming Masanobu Fukuoka
Indian Natural farming Subhash Palekar
Sustainable agriculture George W. Carver
Agricultural Biochemistry J.V. Liebeg
Soil Science/ Pedology V. V. Dokuchaev
White revolution Vergheese Kurian
Genetics G.J. Mendel
Modern Genetics William Bateson
Experimental Genetics T.H. Morgan
Genetics Engineering Paul berg
Taxonomy and Binomial Nomenclature Carolus Linnaeus
Ecology Reiter
Mutation Hugo De Vries
Cytology Robert Hooke
Virology M.W. Beijerinck
Botany Theophrastus
Plant Breeding Dr. B.P. Pal
Plant Physiology Stephen Hales
Hybrid Rice Yuan Long Pin
Golden rice Ingo Potrichus
Bt Cotton C.D. Mayer
Hybrid Cotton C.T. Patel
Field plot technique J.B. Boussingault
Plant Pathology
Anton De Bary
Plant Pathology in India E.J. Butler
Mycology P.A. Micheli
Bacteriology and Modern Microbiology Louis Pasteur
Microbiology and Microscopy Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
Zoology Aristotle
Indian Phyto-Bacteriology M.K. Patel
Antibiotics Alexander Flemming
Indian rust K.C. Mehta
Host Plant Resistance R.H. Painter
Entomology William Kirby
Modern Applied Entomology S. Pradhan
Modern beekeeping Dr. A.S. Atwal
Nematology N.A. Cobb
Insect Morphology Robert E. Snodgrass
Insect Physiology V.B. Wiggelworth
Insect Pathology Edward Steinhaus
Agriculture Extension J Paul Leagnes
Extension Education A. Semen and Knapp
Indian Extension Education N.K. Singh
Sociology August Commte
T&V system Denial Benor
Economics Adam Smith ( Book : Wealth of Nations )
Agricultural Economics Henry C. Taylor
Horticulture Liberty Hyde Baily
Indian Horticulture Dr. M.H. Marigowda
Modern Horticulture Dr. K.L Chadha
Pomology Charles Downing
Ornamental Gardening M.S. Randhawa
Food preservation Nicholas Apartment
Agricultural Engineering in India Mason Vaugh
Green house effect J.B. Fourler
Drip irrigation Symcha Blass
Tissue culture Oscar brefeld
Cooperative movement in India N. Nicholson
Statistics R.A. Fisher
AgroForestry J. Russell Smith

Conclusion : 
• It's Important because, Agriculture Exams asks Questions relaed to Father of agriculture and allied sectors.
• We tried our best to include significant names.

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