Critical Growth Stages of Different Crops for Irrigation | RankAgri

In Plant Growth, there is stages where plant requires moisture or Water to further development. Sometimes due to some reasons water doesn't meet them and affect the plant growth.

critical growth stages of crops
critical growth stages of crops

What is Critical Period for Crops?

Certain stages in the crop growth period are made sensitive to soil moisture stress compared with others. These are known as "Moisture sensitive" or "Critical periods".
In each crop, there are some growth stages at which moisture stress leads to irrevocable yield loss, these stages are known as "Critical period" or "Moisture sensitive period"

In cereals, Panicle initiation and Flowering stages are moisture sensitive stages.

• In pulses, Flowering and Pod development important moisture sensitive stages

The periods in days during which irrigation water is supplied to the crop is termed as "Base period".

List of Critical Growth Stages of Different Crops for Irrigation :

CropsCritical Stage / Moisture Sensitive Stage
RicePanicle Initiation, Heading and Flowering
WheatCrown Root Initiation (CRI), Tillering and Booting, Flag leaf stage, Jointing, Milking and Dough stage
MaizeSeedling, Tasseling, Silking and Grain filling, Dough stage
SorghumBooting, Flowering and Grain Formation, Milky and Dough stage
Pearl milletHeading or Panicle Initiation and Flowering
Finger millet / RagiPrimordial initiation and Flowering
Minor milletsMaximum tillering, Flowering, Grain development
Barley & OatActive tillering, Ear emergence, Grain
Oil Seeds
Groundnut Rapid flowering, Pegging, Early pod formation
SoybeanFlowering and Pod formation
SesameBlooming and Capsule (Pod) formation
Sunflower Buttoning, 2 Weeks before and After Flowering
SafflowerRosette to Flowering
Castor First or Second or Third Spike development
Rapeseed & MustardPreflowering, Silique filling
Linseed Pre-flowering, Pod filling
Pigeon pea Flower initiation, Flowering, Pod filling
Mungbean, Urdbean,
Clusterbean, Cowpea
Flowering and Pod development
Chickpea Branching, Pre-flowering, Seed development
LentilBranching, Pre-flowering, Pod development
Field PeaFlower initiation and Pod Formation
TomatoFlowering and Fruit setting
CabbageHead formation and Head Enlargement
Cauliflower & BroccoliSeedling stage, Curd growth
OnionBulb formation to Bulb enlargement
Potato Stolonization, Tuber initiation to Tuber Maturity
Sweet Potato Seedling, Leaf development, Root enlargement
Carrot & RadishRoot initiation, Bulking (Enlargement)
Commercial / Cash Crops and Others
SugarcaneFormative Stage
CoconutNursery Stage, Root development
Tobacco Transplanting to Full Bloom
CoffeeFlowering and Fruit development
CottonSympodial branching, Flowering and Boll Formation
CitrusFlowering, Fruit setting and it's Growth
BananaEarly vegetative phase, Flowering, Fruit formation
SugarbeetFormative, Leaf development, Root development

Frequently Asked Questions :

Que : What is critical growth stage?
Ans : The stages in the crop growth period are made sensitive to soil moisture stress compared with others. These are known as "Critical periods" or "Critical Growth Stages "

Que : Which is the most critical stage of wheat crop for irrigation?
Ans : Crown Root Initiation (CRI) is the most critical stage of wheat crop for irrigation.

Que : What is the critical stage in maize for irrigation?
Ans : Silking and Tasseling are the critical stages in Maize for irrigation.

Que : Which growth stage of grains is critical for irrigation?
Ans : Milky and Dough stage of grains is critical for irrigation.

Que : What is the most critical stage of rice?
Ans : Panicle initiation is the most critical stage of irrigation in rice.

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