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Phule Triveni is a triple cross breed of cattle.

[Holstein friesen (50%) + Gir (25%) + Jersey (25%)] developed at MPKV Rahuri University.

• Yellow color of milk is due to Carotene.

Pashmina type of wool is produced by Goat.

• Pashmina wool producing breeds are Pashmina, Chegu, Gaddi, Changthangi.

• Super computers are used for weather forecasting.

Sowing is an art of placing seeds in the soil to have good germination in the field.

• Visible light wavelength is 400-700nm or 0.4-0.7um.

• Expenditure on seeds fall under variable cost.

Crop insurance helps to reduce the risk.

Mean is always greater than variance in a binomial distribution.

• Basic concept of sociology is to study human relationship.

Seeing is believing is principle of result demonstration.

Meadow orcharding is followed in Guava.

Grafting is not possible in Coconut, Arecanut, Oil palm.

• Spongy tissue is serious problem in Alphonso

Oxalates in tomato are hazardous to Kidney stone.

• Seed having live embryo is called as viable seed.

• Pigment responsible for red color in carrot is Anthocyanin.

• Yellow color of turmeric is due to curcumin

• In SWOT analysis, W stands for Weakness.

NBPGR deals with the introduction of plant varieties in India.

• Length of revenue chain is 33 ft. (16 links 2.06 ft each)

• Light intensity is measured in Lux.

Gypsum is used for reclamation of Alkali soil.

Grapes in Maharashtra are Pruned Twice in a year.

• Commercial method of propagation of Kagzi lime is Seed.

Contour method of planting is followed in hilly and undulating areas.

• Konkan Bold is important variety of Karonda.

• Gladiolus is propagated by corms.

• Botanical Name of Turmeric is Curcuma longa.

• Center of AGMARK is located at Nagpur.

• When Marginal Physical Product (MPP) is Zero then Total Physical Product (TPP) is Maximum.

• Father of Economic is Adam Smith

- Father of modern Economics is J. Keynes.
- Father of economics in India is Dadabhai Nauroji.

• Meat of Calf is known as Veal.

• The best method for semen collection of bull is Artificial vagina. (Best Temp. 42 degree Celsius.)

• Cow milk is generally richer than buffalo milk in Carotene.

Chegu goat is native of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir.

• Group of sheep and goat is called as Flock.

• Penicillin is discovered by Alexander Flemming.

• Homozygous individual represented as RR, rr.

• The concept of Pure line is developed by Johnson.

Prabhavati is a mutant variety of Rice.

• Dwarf structure in cereals is associated with Rice.

• First transgenic crop released in India is Bt cotton.

• Minimum isolation distance for foundation and certified seed of tomato is 50 m & 25 m.

• Demand for matchbox is Inelastic.

• The rate at which RBI borrows loans from commercial bank is Reverse Repo Rate.

• For Chilli MSP is not announced. NDER

• The buffalo breed which is used for heavy Draft purpose in paddy field in Vidarbha region is Jaffrabadi.

• A group of goats is called as Flock.

Kashmiri goat is famous for Pashmina.

Potato Tuber Moth damages the crop both in field and in storage.

"Murda" or bokdya symptom on chilli is caused by thrips.

Soil Solarization is physical method of Nematode control.

• The size of M.B plough is expressed in term of its furrow slice.

• pH of neutral soil is 7.

Clay soil generally have more than 50% of pore spaces.

Biogas slurry also used as Organic bulky manure.

• Human excreta consisting of solid portion as faces and liquid as urine is known as Night soil.

• Viruses are obligate parasite.

• T and V system was discovered by Danial and Benor.

• Chemical used against rodents is Rodenticide.

Urea is categorized as straight fertilizer.

• Instrument use for measurement of bright sunshine is Heliograph.

• On the basis of root zone, Cotton is a deep-rooted crop.

• Inflorescence of rice is Panicle.

Dapog method of seedling is followed in rice.

• Coleoptile length of Mexican dwarf wheat varieties is 5 cm.

• Hibernation of Pink Bollworm take place in Seed or soil.

• Crop used for malting and beverage making is Barley.

• Ganga safed and African tall are varieties of Maize crop.

• Biological method of control of Parthenium weed is Zygogramma bicolorata.

Eisenia foetida is spp. commonly used for vermicompost making.

• Seedling or planting of standing crop after flowering and before harvest of standing crop is called as Relay cropping.

Press mud is one of the by-product of Sugarcane industry used as manure.

- Molasses : Alcohol making
- Bagasses : Paper making

• Headquarter of ICRISAT is located at Hyderabad.

• Purity percentage of nucleus seed is 100%.

• Physical condition of soil resulting after tillage is known as Tilth.

Open Pan Evaporimeter is used for measurement of Evaporation.

• Total meteorological weeks in a year are 52.

• One cubic meter of water is equal to 1000 lit.

• Attraction between same molecules is called as Cohesion.

• Young sorghum plant is not fed to cattle due to HCN present in leaves.

• CO-1, CO-2 are the varieties of Napier.

• Oil and protein content in soybean are - 20% oil and 42% protein.

Arkel is important variety of Pea.

Sunflower crop can be grown in three seasons.

• Maize is a C4 plant.

• Crop production and animal husbandry are collectively included in Mixed farming.

• National Center for Organic Farming is located at Ghaziabad.

• The Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute is located at Jhansi (U.P)

• FAO headquarter is located at Rome (Italy) 1945.

• Leaching of salts by good quality water improves Sodic (Alkali) soil.

• Neem cake coating of urea inhibits Nitrification.

Striga is a partial root parasite of Sorghum.

Khillar is draft purpose breed of cattle.

• Basic fundamental law of agriculture is law of diminishing marginal utility.

• Food Processing and allied activities add value to produce.

Reaper is a machine used to cut the grain crops.

• The contour maps representing closed lines having higher value at center indicates Elevation.

• CADA stands for Command Area Development Authority.

• Metaldehyde is a Molluscicide.

• Maturity symptom of Rice is seen when grain content is 20% moisture.

• Water content under certain standard condition is referred as Soil Moisture Constant.

• Crops grown in Kharif Season is Mung, Urid, Maize.

• On the basis of use, Black Gram is a legume crop.

• On the basis of economic importance, Wheat is a food crop.

• On the basis of use, Grain Crops are cereals crops.

• Botanical name of hazardani is Phyllanthus niruri.

• For vegetative or live barrier purpose Khus grass (Vetiveria zelanica) is widely used.

• In zero tillage, increased weed infestation can be controlled by Non Selective Herbicide (Paraquat).

• Edaphic factor of crop is related to soil.

• Soils is disturbing to minimum extent and leaves crop on soil is Minimum tillage type.

• Powerhouse of cell is Mitochondria.

• The zone of soil around plant root which intense microbial activities is called as Rhizosphere.

• The use of brine solution is Physical method of disease management.

Chlamydospore are vegetative spores.

Cauliflower is mainly rabi season crop.

• Infiltration rate of clay soil is less than loamy soil.

• Implement used for seed bed preparation and for sowing with seedling attachment is Ridger.

• The Bamboo is also known as poor man's timber.

• Protein consists of Amino acids.

• Clay has more porosity than sandy soils.

• Loan for purchase of animals is Medium term loan.

• pH of raw milk is Acidic.

• Cereals are deficient in Lysine.

• Papaya is a rich source of Vitamin A.

• Study of plant in relation to soil and climate is called as Plant Physiology.

• Growing of two or more crops simultaneously intermingled without row pattern is called as Mixed Cropping.

• Father of Agronomy is Peter Decresenzi.

• Flood method of irrigation is suitable for Rice.

• Average rainfall of India is 1194 mm.

• Sun hemp for fiber purpose mostly produced in West Bengal.

Fly ash is environmental pollutant generated by coal field electricity plant.

• Fungi are Saprophytes.

• Rhizobium species used in soybean is Rhizobium japonicum.

• Yellow vein mosaic disease is found in Okra.

• Late majority also called as Skepticals.

Land Races are primitive cultivar.

• Certification is not required for Breeder seeds.

• Pungency in onion is due to Allyl propyl disulphide.

• Pusa nanha is a mutant variety of Papaya.

Cashew nut is known as dollar earning crop.

• Physical bridge between source and receiver is known as Channel.

• Farm and home visit is Individual contact method.

• Orchard is propagated by cutting.

• Decrease in diameter of trees is due to pruning.

• Constituent of biogas is Methane & CO2 

• Commonly used sugar in carbonated beverages is Sucrose.

• Sex form in most cucurbits is Monoecious.

• Dwarfing gene in wheat is Norin-10.

Photorespiration is highest in Rice.

• The crossing of F1 with recessive parent is called as Test cross.

• Global gene bank of rice is located at Philippines.

• Initial seed of Improved variety is called Nucleus seed.

Microsoft Word is an Application software.

• Sterility mosaic virus is a disease of Pigeon pea.

• Scientific name of Lac insect is Laccifera lacca.

Conclusion :
This is the 'MCAER PG CET 2017 Previous Year Questions with their Answers'

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