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MCAER PG CET 2014 Previous Year Questions with Solutions

Agronomy :

Virat is variety of gram.
 Gram is a = Rabi crop

● Father of organic farming = Albert Howard
● B.N. of Bajara = Pennisetum typhoidum

● Drought escaping species is …..
A) Pankanis 
B) Argemone C)None of these D) Both of these

● Crop which requires Irrigated water on whole year = Irrigated crop
● Maize is = C4 plant
● Drip irrigation is also called = Trickle Irrigation
● Sprinkle irrigation is effective in = Sandy soil
● Water loss through transpiration = 99%
● Isobutes are line joining place to equal rainfall.
● DDT was discover by = Poul muller
● Most critical stage of irrigation for Pearlmillet = Heading and flowering
● Most critical stage of irrigation for Sunflower = Preflowering & Postflowering
● Feed additives = Urea
● Glyphosate is non-selective systemic fungicide.
● Systemic fungicide = Imidachorapride

 Deflocculating caused due to tillage is = Dust mulching
● Most common used herbicide in a Maize = Atrazine
● Cultural method is used to prevent contact between pathogen & host = Change in date of ploughing.
● The urea fertilizer classified as = Organic Fertilizer
● APEDA has it’s headquarter at = New Delhi
● Metallic sound is maturity indices of = Sugarcane
● Sunflower contain = Linoleic acid
● Crop regrowth after harvesting = Ratooning
● Growing of four crop in year in sequence = Quadrable cropping
● In Sweet potato 16 % starch

● First domesticated animal = Dog
 Crop which is grown in submerged condition = Rice

Horticulture :

● Carrot fruit type Schizocarp.
● Garden style is based on Topography, Location, and Place
● Red color of chili = Capsthin
● In ripened fruit Ethylene is present.
● Pyrethrum is extracted from chrysanthemum.

● Arka alok variety of tomato rest to B. Wilt.

Dawana is used in cosmetic & perfumes industry & scent.

● Blossom end rot of tomato deficiency = Calcium
● B.N. of pudina or mentha = Mentha citrita
● In hexagonal system, 15% more plant than square system.
● In Blackpaper ..... adulterant is used = Papaya Seed
● Santaladye is evolved from plant = Santalum album

Carthamarous roses are B.N. of Periwinkle
● I
n taungya system which tree grown for first time = Sissoo

● Common method of drying for flower
1) Sundrying 2) Water drying 3) Ovendrying 4) Chemical drying
● Additives are not permitted to use in food of .....
1) Infants 2) Adolescent 3) Ageolds

● Art & Science of growing Forest crop = Forestry

Soil Science :

● The attraction between two dissimilar atom and molecule = Adhesion

● Beneficial element = Na
● Soil in high rainfall area is = Acidic
● Bacteria convert = NO2 to NO3 (Nitrobacteria)
● Conversion of ammonia or organic nitrogen is ……………. A) Immobilization  B) Mineralization  C) Denitrification
● SSP contain 16% P2O5
● More pore space present in = Crumby structure

● Soluble compound present in soil are drained away by process = Leaching
● The light passes through mineral is Transparent property of mineral
● Hardness of mineral is determine by = Mohr’s scale
● Soil activity promote ………….. activity in soil = Physical, chemical & biological
● Fertilizer control order in 1985

Botany :
● Amino acids joined by = Peptide Bond
● Extra fatty acid are stored in = Cholesterol form
● Root promoting hormone = IBA
● Crossing over take place in = Pachytene phage
● Mendel can’t confirm his finding on = Hawkweed
● In onion production, how many field inspection = A) 2  B) 4  C) 3 D) Not
● Site of respiration = Mitochondria
● For active absorption of water, energy is provided by = A) Photorespiration B) Photosynthesis C) Respiration
Amphimixis is sexual reproduction
● Half dialed mating design is …..

● Molecular scissor used in biochemistry is = Type - 2
● Source of carbon in vitro culture = Sucrose
● Naked cell is = Protoplast
● Electrophoresis is based on = Charge
● It is both biocontrol agent & plant growth promoting rhizobium(PGPR) = Pseudomones flurosence
● The phenotypic variation in in vitro culture is due to……………. A) Genotype B) Phenotype C) Environment
● The scientist who made classification of genetic variance into additive, dominance & epistasis by = R.A. Fisher
● Who gave concept of genotype & phenotype = Johanssen
● Breeder seed tag Color = Golden Yellow
● Source of vitamin A in golden rice = Daffodil
● At global level the collection & conservation of plant genetic resources carried out by
1)Biodiversity international 2)NBPGR 3)IARI
● Longest DNA used in
1) RAPD 2) AFLD 3) SSN 4) RELP
Restriction endonuclease is used in Genetic Engineering
● Variation in vitro culture of plants = Somaclonal variation
● In case of pleiotropic genes small number of grains due to ……
● Sis electron carries .....

Plant Pathology :

● Bacteria having flagella all over body = Peritrichous.
● Thread like structure of fungi = Hypha
Broom rape is parasitic weed of Tobacco.
● Father of Modern enzymology = J. B. Summer
● In autoclave, which type of heating take place = Moist heating
● Brine solution treatment to control = Blast of Paddy

● Heat smut of jawar & maize caused by Sporisporium relianum
● In pit, silage prepared by anaerobic process.

● ….. is not biocontrol agent
A) Trichoderma viride
B) Psudomonas fluroscense C)Bacillus substilis D) Cydorporum flavum

Exclusion is a method of reduce spread of disease to new area
● Irish famine of potato is due to = Late blight of Potato
● pH of nutrient media is maintained at 6.6-6.8
● Bacteria hard consistency slime layer = Cysts

Entomology :

● Insect act come in 1968
● Pulse beetle damaging stage = Grub & Adult
● Hamulate wing present in Bee & Wasp
● Thysonoptera is a = Non holometaboleus

● Sorghum midgefly hibernates in larvae stage in winter …………….

Animal husbandry & Dairy science :

● Standard milk & milk product given according to PFA (Prevention of food adultration - 1954)
● Muscle protein is = Collagen
● Holstein freshion is Exotic breed.
Dipping is used in sheep & goat remove ices.
● Gestation period of Sheep = 150 Day’s (Goat- 145; Cow- 280/282; Buffalo- 810 Day’s)
● Liquid nitrogen is used in = Cryo preservation

● Western ghat origin cow = Dangi
Koti sticks are used for dehorning of goats
● On heating fat continuances fumes are related at point
1) Flashpoint, 2) Boiling point 3) Malting point 4) Fumes point

● HT-ST method is advantageous because = Kill all microorganisms

Agriculture Economics :

● World environment day = 5 June
● NABARD established = 12 July 1982
● 14 th bank were nationalized in year = 19 July 1969
● District credit plan prepared by = Lead bank
● Raw material resources are = Capital
● When MP is Zero then TP is = Maximum
● Price spread is difference between = P
roducer price & Consumer price

● Farm planning - Estimating advanced Farm budgeting
● When all elements are zero it is called
1) Identify matrix 2) Zero matrix
● The commodity is brought for disposal to consumer process & export in terminal markets ……………
● Initial utility of commodity is due to consumption of …..
1) last unit 2) first unit 3) total unit
● When good is exchange for other goods then it is called as ........
● In order to establish RRB whose permission is needed = A) Central Govt.  B) State Govt. C) NABARD
● Fertilizer is = Variable cost
● Agencies which produce storage & distributed food grains is Food Corporation of India

Agriculture Extension :

● S-M-C-R-E Model = Roger & Shoemakers Model
Fidelity is not an element of Communication.
● Marthadam project = By Spencer Hatch
● Word democracy is derived from = Demo + crato

● NRC for women in agriculture in = 1966 in Bhubaneswar
Manager is one who takes risk in business
● One man marries many women = Polygamy
Farm & Home visit is not a method of group contact.
● Argument for product = Slogan
● The individual total behavior decide = Personality
● Person’s functional significance is determined by
A) Role  B) Attitude  C) Status  D) Act
● The adoption of innovation has = Bell shape curve
● The progressor advanced technology replaced by inferior technology shift the production function = A) Upward B) Downward  C) Remains constant.

● Journal is ledger
● Interviewing few people from selected group is known as = Surveying technique

● DOC.Exe is for = Document
● File name have with extension = 8 digit character

Agriculture Engineering :

● Chief constitute of biogas = Methane + CO2
● In ‘In & In method’ of plough in gridge is left center is known as = Dead Furrow
● The process of removing gas from car = Exhausting
Evaporation is heat consuming process
● Power available to end of crankshaft = BHP
● Farm power machinery deals with = IC Engine
● Air + fuel mixture prepared in = Carburettor

● Ratio of mechanical output to the specific fuel consumed per hour = Mechanical Efficiency

● In greenhouse, water pressure for low mist = A) 3-7 kg/cm3  B)150 kg/cm2  C) < 3 kg/cm2
● Removal water vapor from store grains = Dehumidification
● Root of … plant used in water coolers.
● Refrigeration temperature bacteria are known as psychrophilic.
● In chain device speed is =
A) High  B) Low  C) Medium
Mower is the machine which cut herbage crops & leaves them in swath.
● In graded bunding in medium rainfall the slop of the line will be
1) Inward 2)Outward
● In deep bed drying of grain should be area where = water table is flow

Others :

● PAN is …… Pollutant.
A) Primary  B) Secondary  C) Water  D) Soil
● Art in which spices is identified for tree classified = Dendrology
● BT formulation are used in A) Dipel  B) Thuncide C) All of these
Monsanto released Bt for commercial cultivation.
● Short wave radiation range = 0.15µ - 0.76µ

● Meloigyneisa = Secondary endoparasite

● Q = CIA / 360
● CMC means = A) Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose B) Cellulose Manufacturing Centre C) Critically Modifying Cellulose
Siderophore are iron chelating compound

● True stomach of ruminants – Abomasum
● A collection of programmer for managing database is Database management system.

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